CBS TV CastCooler test!
CastCooler provides immediate relief by eliminating itch and odor. By creating a gentle vacuum on the outside of your cast or splint, air flow is directed through the lining of your cast/splint. This air flow immediately removes moisture and cools your skin. Without touching your skin, bacteria, itch and odor are significantly reduced, and your cast stays fresh.
Cast Moisture Trouble Spots: Knee, Elbow, Heel:
The CastCooler is uniquely designed for application to the knee, elbow or heel, areas where moisture typically collects in the lining of your cast. These are also areas that are difficult to dry due to perspiration, bathing or when water accidentally wets the cast lining. These areas are a snap to dry with the CastCooler.
Cool and Dry Your Entire Cast:
You may apply the CastCooler to any area on the outside of a breathable (fiberglass) orthopedic cast. Lightly stretch the CastCooler around the cast and cling the blue wrap onto itself.
How to Connect Vacuum:
Connect a standard vacuum hose (household vacuum cleaner, shop vac, central vac, etc.) to the nozzle connection of the CastCooler. Turn vacuum on. Relax and enjoy the cooling sensation of moisture being removed from the lining through your cast. Allow the flow of fresh air to completely dry your cast lining within minutes. Move the CastCooler to dry/cool other areas of your cast as needed. Repeat as often as desired or when your cast becomes moist or uncomfortable.
Fit to all limbs and sizes, child to adult:
The CastCooler accommodates all limb sizes and shapes by conforming to irregularities and sealing against the cast or splint. If the wrap is longer than necessary, simply trim the wrap with scissors as indicated by the "cut here" guidelines provided. Reapply the CastCooler.
(Discontinued on our site)