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Hockey is a fast-paced contact sport that demands the most of players. Given many of the movements in hockey, combined with the fact that it is easy to be hit by sticks, pucks, and other players, every coach and athletic trainer knows that sprains, strains, bruises, lacerations, and pulls happen all the time. Here at IthacaSports, we have a number of items made by premier sports-medicine manufacturers intended to reduce the risk of injury, and to help players recover quickly. We carry a number of braces and supports, first aid supplies, and even stick tape and grip tape to help improve performance. We also have dozens of mouthguards by Shock Doctor, Battle Sports Science, and Mogo. Finally, we carry excellent compression gear by McDavid and Zensah, excellent as a base-layer to help keep you dry and comfortable while in the rink. Keep your head up, and your stick on the ice!