Just as Track and Field encompasses a number of events, so too are there a wide array of injuries that are possible with each type of competition. Certainly, track events can result in tendinitis of the knee or Achilles, and hamsrtring pulls and shin splints are likewise very common. Meanwhile throwing events such as discus, hammer throw, and javelin place particular strain on the back and shoulders. And events such as the high jump, pole vault, and triple jump can likewise cause trauma to muscles and joints. Whatever the event, IthacaSport carries complete lines from the leaders and innovators in sports medicine today. We have Mueller, Cramer, Shock Doctor, McDavid, and Zensah, to name only a few. We have athletic supplies such as tape and pre-wrap, as well as first aid items to fill medical kits of athletic trainers, coaches, and teams. Whatever your need, we are there to help.